Podcast Appearance: Meta-Ideological Politics

October 19, 2022

I’m just catching up on some overdue blog admin, and realised I hadn’t got around to putting up this episode of Nate Coffman and Ryan Nakade’s Meta-Ideological Politics podcast, which I made an appearance on a few months ago. It was a pleasure to chat with them both, and this wide-ranging conversation covered a number of the topics I keep returning to on this blog.

We talked about structuralist and humanist approaches to social change, and my argument against the common perception that humanist approaches are more optimistic than structuralist ones. Then we got into the relationship between structural approaches in critical theory and coordination problems, mechanism design, and decision theory. This set the stage for a whole bunch of other things, including politics in the internet age, the relevance (or not) of developmental psychology to social change, commodity fetishism, and even a bit of Kant.

Here’s some posts relevant to the discussion:

Podcast Appearance: Meta-Ideological Politics - October 19, 2022 - Divine Curation